Different Floor Cleaning and Maintenance Methods used by housekeeping.
Floors require regular cleaning and finishing to retain their appearance and durability. According to the type of flooring used different methods and type of cleaning procedures need to be practiced. Mopping :- Floor should be mopped daily with a damp mop or with a chemically treated Dust mop. Mop heads comes with a variety of natural or synthetic fibres (Types of mops ). New mop heads should be soaked in water for 1 hrs and the mop heads should be rotated so that they can be cleaned and dried after each use. Scrubbing: Requires a stiff scrubbing brush or pad fitted to a rotary floor cleaning machine, The bristle tips of a brush or the surface of a pad scrape and cut the dirt to remove it with a circular motion. Burnishing (Polishing) : This new kind of floor cleaning method which is similar to buffing but here its is a dry method without any use of any polish spray. Additionally the speed in which the rotary floor cleaning machine head is ...